Pro-fit-o-gra-phy (Noun)

  1. The systematic study and analysis of profit in business.

  2. The methods and techniques used to document analyze, and understand the generation of profit in a business.

  3. An interdisciplinary field that combines elements of economics, business analysis, and data visualization to understand and communicate the concept of profit.

You Want More Leads and Sales

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Double Your Profits with Robert Peterson:

Learn the 5 critical areas that every small business owner MUST focus on in order to build a multimillion-dollar business.

Robert C Peterson

Proven profit strategies delivered through instructor-led, group and private training.

Delivered by an Inc. 5000 business owner who has tripled revenue, with 40 strategies backed by data science, your company WILL breakthrough its profit plateau.

As your Business Growth Strategist, we make you a revenue and profit machine through 1:1 hand-holding or group training.

"My company needs more sales"

You’ve spent thousands on digital ads, social media, marketing agencies, and PR firms – with little to show for it.

We feel your frustration. But all is not lost.

  • We have 40 growth strategies to apply

  • Virtually none require gambling on ads

  • We align your Learning, Marketing, Sales, and Service teams to turn your company into a revenue & profit machine

  • Your Result: Grow sales and profit margin faster, and at a far lower cost than a full-time executive hire

"My company believes in investing in our colleagues’ learning & development because it makes us a better, more competitive company that attracts and retains the best in the business."

Improve just 12 areas in your business by a mere 2.6% and your profits will double.

  • Teach all of your company because profit improvements can come from anywhere

  • Align company goals with employee learning & development

  • Most employees don’t have a business degree. The company that changes that --at scale-- becomes untouchable

"My company needs a way to attract and retain the best in the workforce"

The labor shortage is real. For a lot of reasons. Reasons that won’t be realigned with the next recession.

LinkedIn’s research stated that 93% of organizations are concerned about employee retention.

  • “Providing Learning Opportunities” is the No.1 way organizations are working to improve retention. (LinkedIn)

  • Our online business academy is like offering your employees a virtual MBA

  • And what they learn, they can apply to your company’s growth – Today.

"Ads, Social Media, and PR have let us down. We need a low-cost but high ROI method to grow sales, increase profit, and get some accountability."

For less than the cost of your ad budget, you can learn the strategies we’ve used successfully to:

  • Triple revenue

  • Triple profit

  • Lower break-even by as much as a whopping 75%

  • Scale from regional to nationwide sales

Why choose us?

Profit Metrics

21st Century Revenue Operations
Strategy Focused


Vanity Metrics

20th Century Department Silos
Tactic Focused

Do you know what 3 mistakes business owners make that practically guarantee they will spiral into exhaustion and frustration?

Get my free email course before your competition does. As a bonus, I’ll give you a free copy of my profit acceleration book with strategies to increase leads, conversions, and profitability WITHOUT wasting money on ads.

As seen on The Kelly Cardenas Podcast

Episode 282

Robert is passionate about helping entrepreneurs and small business owners step into their greatness by taking ownership of their life and business. As a Transformation Coach, he helps Business Owners shift from working like an Employee to being the CEO.

He is the author of Entrepreneur Mindset $hift. Robert helps entrepreneurs own their $hit to take responsibility for what they want and take the steps necessary to reach their dreams.

He works with you on your daily goals for your business and your life by raising awareness of your thoughts, and values so that you can retake control.

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